Sound of Wind Driven Rain (1998)
In the late 1990s, Will Ackerman released an album of a completely beautiful style called "The Sound of Wind Driven Rain", which was released in 1998. This album contains solo guitar works, similar to that of his earlier recordings of the 1970s, as well as duets and trios. I have nothing else to say about this album at the moment. I do promise to update this post if I ever find something to add. But for now, here is your weekly album cover art.
There were so many breathtaking songs from that album, that I had to choose the title track instead.
As always, here is the track-listing for the album:
1. Shella's Pictures
2. A Child's Song
3. Driving
4. Lions In The Sky
5. Unconditional
6. Sound of the Wind Driven Rain
7. Wings On the Water
8. Ponchartrain
9. I Know This River
10. Hawk Circle
11. Mr. Jackson's Hat
If you wish to order your own copy of the tracks or the whole album in any available format,
click here:
My advice for this week: don't spend $47.66 or more than you need to on it. You can find it cheaper both
new and used on other sites if you choose not to order from
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