I'm Back...and I'm Prepared!
I hope you all enjoyed your summer. I do apologize for being gone for so long but with school and life's problems (one of them being my old Compaq computer being hacked and having to buy a new ASUS one), I just didn't have much time or determination to keep the blog running. I do, however, have a CD review and photos ready to be posted so keep an eye out for those. And one more final announcement - I may be changing this blog's name to Windham Hill Reviews, in order to focus strictly on the albums that I've purchased and researched rather than ones I researched on that I don't have. This will make it easier on me because I only have to make blog posts after a purchase rather than once a week, which can get overwhelming at times. And it will be more exciting for you, since you can now download content (images, mp3s, etc.) that comes from MY sources instead of the internet sources, which will make this blog more original. Thank you for hanging in there.